The end of this version of the Yangpa


I originally stole the idea for this blog from another guy’s blog of the same name. And I felt that it was OK to do so because there hadn’t been any new posts coming out of that blog for a while. I also felt that the writer of the Yangpa needn’t be just one man, but should rather be series of heroic figures who would take up the mantle in the hour of the world’s need like the Green Latern or the Pope. Recently it’s become apparent that I’ve run out of steam here, but as luck would have it, the original Yangpa guy is back at So check it out. As for this version, I guess I’ll leave it up and check it from time to time. I’d like to thank all the people who have left comments on here offering me encouragement, advice, and mega-bargains on Cialis and Rogaine. Have a good 2008!

27 Responses to “The end of this version of the Yangpa”

  1. Mongdori Says:

    Thanks for all the great articles. I hope you continue writing and sharing your work with the community. There are numerous classics in the archives, so I hope you leave the site running as long as possible.

  2. hitest Says:

    How dare your leave when I have just found this site.

    I will hunt you down no matter where you you think you can hide your sense of humour 😉

    Best wishes.

  3. Roger Danish Says:

    Too bad. This one is funnier than the so called original.

  4. Hung Wae-low Says:

    I agree. The other guy is headed in the right direction but Billy B. is the bestes.
    Best writer in Korea.

  5. stat Says:

    nice one mate, this site was a good laugh.

  6. Jason Says:

    Have to agree with Roger and the guy with the innuendo-rific Korean name, this version is way funnier than the “original.” Sad to hear you’re leaving us, but thanks for all the times you made soda shoot out of my nose.

  7. Wayne Says:

    You have shed little or no light on my stays here in Korea, but you have most certainly assured me that I’m not the only one who see these things. Thanks for all the laughs.

  8. Linkd Says:

    Goodbye Billy, and thanks for some really great work. Stay hard.

  9. 한국사람이다 Says:

    Get the fuck off mother fucking douchebag

    you fucking asshole

  10. idealjetsam Says:

    Hate to see you go, Billyboy.

  11. idealjetsam Says:

    Oh, can I use the white privilege catchphrase now?

  12. Nolan Says:

    That really is too bad! This one is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY funnier than the original. Can’t you guys team up and birth the ultimate yangpa?

  13. Magnum PI Says:

    I just read some of the ‘original’, not funny. I’d much rather wait 2-3 weeks for something worthwhile on this site. Please don’t rule out at least some sporadic posts.

  14. The Chuckster Says:

    Your shit was way funny man. Almost makes me miss those 6 years I lived in Korea. Thanks for the chuckles and the superb perspective.

  15. douchfuck Says:

    the original yangpa licks balls. keep writing man…you ass rape that other chump without even pulling your panties down.

  16. Zolt Says:

    My vote goes to whichever yangpa has more dick jokes.

  17. Cienfuegos Says:

    Come on, start the site up again. The other “Yangpa” blows.

  18. dj Says:

    Come back. The original is terrible terrible.

  19. sinverguenza Says:

    They’re right. The original Yangpa does blow… please keep it up!

  20. R-Seoul Says:

    The end of an era – genuinely funny satire on Korea, do you have any other online publications that you work on?

    oh and what 한국사람이다 said.

  21. taekwonV Says:

    damn it, i found this site too late! the other site sucks! come back!!!!

  22. Walker Pfost Says:

    it’s true. the other yangpa, original though it may be, cannot muster a single chuckle from me. it’s pretty laaaame.

    your writing, however, had me crying, at points. literally crying. please, for the love of god, come back to us.

  23. Marinkina Says:

    Пора переименовать блог, присвоив название связанное с доменами 🙂 может хватит про них?

  24. Ferinannnd Says:

    Хорошо что удалось отыскать такой замечательный блог, а то последнее время уже начал думать что инет это мусорка сплошная.

  25. VoGone Says:


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  26. Jellie Says:

    I like this version so much.

  27. Can use chopsticks Says:

    Will this be seen? Who knows, but thank you for the digital exciting. You are bravoed.

    Discovered this while in Korea around the time you were publishing it. And have come back to it a few times over the years/decades. Hope you keep the page up….and maybe a surprise new post one.
    Sincerely, David Beckham lookalike contest winner 2002,04,05,08.09

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